We have sit-stand tables and H-frame easels that you can reserve in advance, in addition to palettes, brushes, tools, books, etc., for use in the studio. Just bring your favorite surface & medium and start creating!


The Colony


a studio, separate from family & home obligations, solely for creating art & working on your creative business. think of it as a co-working space just for creatives.    

not distraction


take advantage of networking and collaborative opportunities by connecting with other creative members of the colony. Stay in the know about creative opps around colorado springs.

not isolation


As a local watercolor artist, THE COLONY IS NIKI'S PASSION PROJECT, but steven (her partner-in-mischief) is always there to help make her big dreams come to life.

She's excitable and socially awkward.
He's grounded & a great host. together, it's a pretty good time.

they are happy to serve the colorado springs community and can't wait to welcome you to the colony.  

behind it all

The people

Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius.



As a local watercolor artist, THE COLONY IS NIKI'S PASSION PROJECT, but steven (her partner-in-mischief) is always there to help make her big dreams come to life.

She's excitable and socially awkward. He's grounded & a great host. together, it's a pretty good time.

they are happy to serve the colorado springs community and can't wait to welcome you to the colony.  

behind it all

The people

Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius.



I’ve always been a “stop and smell the roses” person, and that spills over into and fuels my creativity. I always fall behind on hikes because I stop to take photos of trees, flowers, and the sky. I stroll through the forests fully believing in the power of shinrin-yoku, the Japanese practice of forest bathing. I escape the hustle and bustle of daily life underneath the canopies of trees or along riverbanks. 

Out of this need to live peacefully and authentically, a dream was born: an artist/creative retreat with small cottages featuring individual accommodations and studios hosting all kinds of creatives (musicians, writers, 2D and 3D artists, etc.) for a weekend or up to a month. I envisioned wooded acres with a creek, lush flower and vegetable gardens serving as an inspiring place to find peace and creative inspiration. Because working in isolation is not always conducive to growth, I also imagined a communal art studio, workshop space, and a recording studio for people to record e-courses. I wanted a one-stop shop for creatives to be incredibly inspired AND productive with the ability to work independently or collaboratively. 

As I watched the prices in Colorado rise, I found myself unable to afford my dream until Steven one day suggested that we didn’t have to do it all right away. From this suggestion, The Colony was born. 

While not a full artist retreat in the forest, The Colony is taking its first breaths in this creative community I love so much. It’s a communal art studio first and foremost. It’s a space for artists to display their work and connect with the public during First Friday Art Walks and other organized events. It’s a place where creative classes are now available to the public, where artists are making connections and meeting other creatives, where we don’t feel like we are creating in isolation, where we can begin having conversations about our practice and grow alongside one another working to elevate our art and enrich our city’s culture at the same time. In short, it’s a beautiful budding thing that I can’t wait to see in full bloom. 

Hugs & Love,

The Colony

Origin story of